Joan Crawford pens a personal letter dated April 9th, 1960 and informs the recipient of the passing of her wonderful poodle Cliquot.
“April 9, 1960
Dear Stanley,
Thank you for your nice letter and the ‘Hark the Voice of the Clark’ booklet. You were very good to vote for me, and I am so grateful that you chose me.
My autobiography will not be complete until spring, 1961, and will not be published until fall, 1961, Stanley. I still have a great deal of work to do on it.
No, my wonderful Cliquot passed away in California in the summer of 1958. I have three other Hargis poodles now - - named ‘Chiffon’, ‘Ma Petite’ and ‘Masterpiece’.
Bless you. Have a happy Easter now."
- Joan Crawford
"No, my wonderful Cliquot passed away in California in the summer of 1958. I have three other Hargis poodles now -- named "Chiffon," "Ma Petite" and "Masterpiece."
- Joan Crawford